Professional Standards

Certified Transactional Analysts Organization

Professional Standards for Certified Transactional Analysts’ (Organizational)

Taken from the International Association for Transactional Analysis (ITAA) website & exam handbook

Understanding the Professional Context 

Transactional analysts in organizations must be able to:

  • Understand change processes in organizations, which take into account the socio- economic and political reality, frames of reference, systems, culture, relation-ships, the influence of the organization on the individual and vice versa; 
  • Have an adequate assessment of own competencies and referral possibilities; 
  • Reflect on and teach theoretical models, especially from TA, to address organizational needs; 
  • relate on micro and macro levels, from individuals to the whole organization, and be able to analyze and consider the whole as well as the parts; 
  • reflect on these aspects, using TA concepts. 

People and Systems 

Transactional analysts in organizations must be able to: 

  • Know and apply models for working with people in systems; 
  • Show an understanding of systemic and personal aspects and reflect on the level and effects of interventions;
  • Deal with complexity whilst prioritizing and focussing on key issues; 
  • Manage the boundary between organizational goals and personal needs; 
  • Show an awareness of interactions between subsystems including their own consultant system; 
  • Discriminate between individual and organizational learning processes, connect these processes with the marketplace, with employees and with the organization’s survival; 
  • Reflect on these aspects, using TA concepts. 

Contracting and assessing 

Transactional analysts in organizations must be able to: 

  • Select the applicable authority to contract with; 
  • Work with multi-level and multi-cornered contracts; 
  • Identify the key requirements of the organization or individual to ensure the appropriate interventions; 
  • Accurately identify the range of options for interventions; 
  • Identify methods of integrating different learning and assessment opportunities; 
  • Select options effectively to promote equality of opportunity and access to achievement;
  • Reflect on these aspects using TA concepts.

Designing and implementing

Transactional analysts in organizations need to be able to:

  • achieve learning objectives as specified;
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the programs;
  • Consider the balance and content of different length programs;
  • Identify possible design problems and generate realistic ideas for overcoming them;
  • Use and adapt materials from external sources within the constraints of copyright law;
  • Discuss designs with others at critical development stages;
  • Agree and maintain time scales;
  • Reflect on these aspects, using TA concepts;
  • Design and implement project management.

Creating a positive, safe learning climate and culture

Transactional analysts in organizations must be able to:

  • Give a rationale for the style of interaction and how it promotes rapport between all parties;
  • Show to have given consideration to factors which create a safe climate and culture, such as: actively listening and giving feedback to participants; encouraging participants to question and discuss the task; supporting I’m OK – you’re OK principles; stroking in general; identifying constraints on communication due to environmental, social and cultural issues;
  • Be anti-discriminatory in their practice and promote this in ways which are consistent with their role, organizational policy and legislation;
  • Reflect on these aspects, using TA concepts.