Models for Change

Transactional Analysis

All of our coaches are Transactional Analysts. Transactional Analysis (TA) is a model of change for individuals, business leaders, teams. It is useful for any organization that wants and needs to advance in productive ways. Through TA, our clients develop a clear and confident sense of self. They learn how they are “wired”, and how that wiring impacts how they interact in the world. It is through this meaningful self-understanding that profound change is possible.

Dr. Eric Berne is a Canadian-born, McGill-educated psychiatrist. He developed Transactional Analysis. It is renowned as one of the world’s clearest conceptual frameworks for understanding the human psyche, organizational culture, and team dynamics. TA offers a model for describing human relationships and interactions. It provides a roadmap for making sense of how individuals and organizations transact.

“The destiny of every human being is decided by what goes on inside his skull when confronted by what goes on outside his skull.” 

Eric Berne

Practiced globally by Master level certified practitioners, TA has transformed countless lives, business cultures, and personal relationships around the world. Lorna Johnston, founder, and CEO of The Change Institute is the only Master Certified Transactional Analyst in Canada today.

Every verbal and non-verbal exchange can be used as a tool for understanding how we think, feel, and behave. TA shows us where we are most effective in our communication, relationships, decision-making, and problem-solving.

The philosophy of TA is that everyone makes decisions based on their current mental and emotional framework. And it is possible to change that framework. You can identify where changes can be made to maximize positive outcomes using Transactional Analysis. We learn to exchange non-productive or negative behaviours for behaviours that produce better, if not incredible results.

Rules for executing

Although the concepts of Transactional Analysis may seem simple at first glance, they are not simplistic. They are a collection of ideas, with a practical way of applying these ideas.  Together, they profoundly change the way you experience yourself and others. Once you adopt the new behaviours, you will never lead the same again. You will be changed whether you are on the front line, the middle, or the top.

When you apply these concepts in the practical and tactical way suggested, you will be profoundly changed. You will have new ways of talking listening, relating, deciding, innovating, and leading.


TA Today: A New Introduction to Transactional Analysis (

Into TA: A Comprehensive Textbook on Transactional Analysis (

Transactional Analysis Training

The Change Institute is the only organization in North America qualified to train professionals in TA and qualify them towards two world-recognized standards of certification:

1) Certified Transactional Analyst – Organizations

2) Certified Transactional Analyst – Clinical

We offer three-year training in Organizational Transactional Analysis and Psychotherapy Transactional Analysis. Please connect with us to discuss further.