Leadership from the Inside Out

Who you are is how you lead.

Leadership From the Inside Out is a unique leadership program. We focus on the individual’s personal development in a leadership role that goes beyond strategy. As quoted in the Harvard Business Review, this is the deep and meaningful development of leaders that is missing from other programs.

Leadership training that develops the whole person

We understand today’s leaders have tremendous responsibilities. They often feel anxious and uncertain as others look to them for security and stability. Behind these anxieties are unconscious beliefs that get in the way of their confidence. Leaders rarely feel comfortable ‘not knowing,’ inhibiting their capacity to engage with their teams openly and honestly. Being open and honest is what it means to be vulnerable. Leaders can learn to access the part of their brain best designed to generate options, assess risk, and act decisively even when so much is still unknown.

Leadership from the Inside Out is a program designed to help leaders look inward to access their inner motivations, feelings and desires to make better decisions, know when and how to clarify roles, and successfully execute strategy. They discover their unconscious beliefs and learn skills and techniques to lead purposefully and confidently. This is a personal development course for the modern leader.

“As a result of taking this course, I started taking the time to be involved in an entire conversation without immediately coming up with my answer. I realized that the majority of the time I jump straight to solutions and dis-empower the team. This time, I took a different path. I consciously shut down my tendency to give opinions and instead listened to the team. The outcome was much better having the input of the entire team.”

VP Finance Company

“This course was a great investment in myself and holds bold truths that apply to all parts of my life when transacting with others. I experienced successful outcomes”

Owner and CEO Manufacturing

Who You Are is How You Lead

Using the tools and concepts of Transactional Analysis, Leadership From the Inside Out guides leaders to become an instrument of change within their organization. Our in-depth training sessions help leaders tap into their inner courage and confidence. This reveals how personal authenticity can create high-performing teams and cultures of care and accountability.

As one past participant put it, “most of our problems in the workplace are people-related.” Challenges in organizations and within teams often relate to a lack of trust, clarity about role boundaries, and interpersonal incompetence. Communication errors, unresolved conflict, or underground and unspoken resentments are common. Managing people and the intricate and complicated way they relate to one another is a critical task for any leader.

Leadership from the Inside Out provides concrete concepts and skills for navigating these relationships and group dynamics. Honing these skills learned within the program is critical to the success of organizations and their leaders. This course is a journey of personal discovery and professional development in a way you have never experienced before.

Upcoming Dates

Cohort 18, September 2024-May 2025.

  • September 16 & 17
  • October 16
  • November 12
  • December 13
  • January 10
  • February 6
  • March 18
  • April 24
  • May 16

Cohort 19 September 2024 – May 2025. Attend a Leaders Impact Session to register.

  • September 26 & 27
  • October 24
  • November 18
  • December 12
  • January 9, 2025
  • February 7
  • March 21
  • April 25
  • May 13

Cohort 20 October 2024 – June 2025

  • October 29 & 30
  • November 21
  • December 20
  • January 21, 2025
  • February 18
  • March 17
  • April 22
  • June 17